Nga whakamahinga matua o te waikawa formic
Nga whakamahinga matua o te waikawa formic,
Waikawa Formic, nga kaihanga whare waikawa formic, Kaihanga Waikawa Formic, tau tūmatanui waikawa formic, Kaiwhakarato Waikawa Formic, Hebei kaihanga waikawa formic,
Ka whakaputa tatouWaikawa Formicna te Methyl Formate tino matatau
hangarau. Tuatahi, ka puta te Methyl Formate mai i te CO me te Methanol me te mahi a te whakakōkī. I raro i tetahi pāmahana me te pehanga, ka waiwaihia te Methyl Formate kiWaikawa Formic. Ko te Waikawa Waikawa Maama iti ka aro ki nga mea teitei ake hei whakatutuki i nga whakaritenga rereke-
nga kaihoko.
Tauhohenga Whārite:HCOOCH3+H2O HCOOH+CH3OH Production
1. ahumahi taherapa: Coagulation, etc.
2. Ahumahi rongoa: Kawheine, Analgin,
Aminopyrine, Aminophyl-line, Theobromine bomeol, Huaora B1, Metronidazole, Mebendazole, etc.
3. Ahumahi pesticide:Triadimefon,Triazolone,
Tricyclazole, Triazole, Triazophos, Paclobutrazol, Sumagic, Disinfest, Dicofol, etc.
4.Ahumahi matū: Calcium formate, Sodium formate, Ammoniumformate, Potassium formate, Ethyl formate, Barium formate, DMF, Formamide, Rubber antioxidant, Pentaerythrite, Neopentyl glycol, ESO, 2-Ethy! hexyl ester o te hinu soypi kua whakahaera, Pivaloyl Chloride,
Tango peita, Phenolic resin , Waikawa horoi o te hanga maitai, Methane amide, etc.
5.Te ahumahi hiako: Tanning, deliming, Neutralizer, etc.
6. Te ahumahi heihei:Silage, etc.
7. Ētahi atu: Ka taea hoki te hanga tā me te tae mordant.Coloring
me te kaihoko whakaoti mo te Fiber me te pepa, Plasticizer, Food freshkeeping, Feed additive, etc
8. Te whakaputa cO: tauhohenga matū: HCOOH=(H mātotoru, So4catalyze) wera=CO+H,O
9.Deoxidizer: Whakamatau Hei,Bi,Al,Cu,Au,Im,Fe,Pb, Mn, Hg ,Mo, Ag,Zn, etc.Whakamātautau Ce, Re, Wo.Whakamātauria te amine tuatahi kakara, amine tuarua.dis- wairewa hei whakamatautau i te WT ngota me te tioata.Whakamatau methoxyl.
10.Fix-er for microscopic analysis.Producing formate.chemical cleaningagent, Formic acid are free of CL, can be used for cleaning equipment stainlesssteel
Tūemi |
| ||
90% | |||
Kairangi | Tuatahi-akomanga | Kua whai tohu | |
Waikawa Formic, w/% ≥ | 90 | ||
Tae /Hazen(Pt-Co)≤ | 10 | 20 | |
Diluting(tauira+wai=1十3) | Maamaa | Tukuna te whakamatautau | |
Ngā pūhaumāota(hei Cl),w/%≤ | 0.0005 | 0.002 | 0.002 |
Ngā pūkawa (he SO4), w/%≤ | 0.0005 | 0.001 | 0.005 |
Rino(hei Fe)w/%≤ | 0.0001 | 0.0004 | 0.0006 |
Nga toenga whakaetonga w/% ≤ | 0.006 | 0.015 | 0.02 |
Ko nga whakamahinga matua o te waikawa formic: 1. Whakamahia i roto i te hanga matū, coagulant rapa me te pueru, tā me te tae, electroplating, etc waikawa Formic ko tetahi o nga rauemi mata taketake o te ahumahi matū waro, whakamahia whānuitia i roto i te pesticide, hiako, te rongoa, te rapa, te ta me te tae me nga ahumahi matū. I roto i te ahumahi ho'oraa, e taea te mahi stimulant rohe, astringent me te hinu, engari ano hoki te hanga o te anemone, metronidazole, kawhe, aminopyrine, borneol, huaora B1 me etahi atu rauemi mata nui; I roto i te ahumahi pesticide, ka taea e te waikawa formic te whakaputa i te tino pai me te iti o te paitini pesticide insecticide, te paura waikura, te polybulozole, te ahumahi hiako ka taea te whakaputa i nga whakaritenga hiako hiako, te kaihoko mate me te neutralizer, te ahumahi matū mo te hanga o te formate, xylene formyl amine, he momo momo. formates, antioxidant me etahi atu. 2. Hangaia te tauira matū CO: HCOOH (whakawera) =CO+H2O, he nui ake te whakamahi i te ahumahi.